7 January 2023
The President
The B. D. Petit Parsee General Hospital
Cumballa Hill, Mumbai 400036
Dear Mr. Petit,
On the 12" of December last year, my grand-mother, Mrs. Amy F. Irani was admitted to
Parsee General Hospital to undergo an emergency surgery to fix her broken arm.
Being almost 99 years of age, my family and | were extremely concerned and worried,
not only about putting
her through the operation but also the post operative stay at the hospital.
However, by the grace of Ahura Mazda, all went well and today, she is almost back to her normal self, all thanks to the efforts of Dr. Jamshed Bunshah, Dr. Armaitty Contractor and their respective teams.
| would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to the entire team of staff at the Parsee General Hospital, which includes the security guard at the entrance, the ward /
nursing staff and the in-house doctors, dietician, etc. for looking after us so well during this
difficult time. Even our registration and check-out process was smooth and seamless.
| must congratulate you and your entire team for the laudable efforts and hard work in running this institution and serving our community. Please also accept a small donation as a token of
our gratitude. The same is enclosed herewith along with the prescribed Donation Form —A
duly filled in.
Warm Regards,
Farhan P. Dubash
Encl: a/a
CHAMBERS : 105, Bhagyoday, 1st Floor, 79, Nagindas Master Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 023.
T : 022-22657890 M : +91 9820506685
RESIDENCE : B-6/7, Banoo Mansion, 619,
Jame Jamshed Road, Parsi Colony, Dadar (E), Mumbai - 14.
E: farhandubash@gmail.com