Latest News and Events

RUCO Certification Click here for details.

Lions Club of Byculla presented Trophy
for the service of Community during COVID Click here for details.

OPD Dialysis Functional Click here for details.

New Dialysis Unit for Out-Patients Click here for details.

New AC Plant & Food Trolley installed  Click here to see photos.

Inauguration of New CT-Scan dept. by Dr. Besania  Click here to see photos.

New Oxygen Generation Plants & LMO Tank  Click here to see photos.

International Nurses Day Celebration  Click here to see photos.

President Message 2021  Click here for details.

Staff Nurse required – Go to ABOUT US – Career & Jobs

Message From The President in Pandemic times Click here for details.

Letter of Appreciation from The President and Committee Members. Click here for details.

Update On A Patient Found COVID-19 +ve . Click here for details.


24 Hours Services

Admission / Discharge
Diagnostic Services
Relaxed Visiting Hours
Ample Parking

President’s Message

On the completion of my 50 years association on the Executive Committee on 1st January 2020, it gives me great pleasure to address this brief message to all donors, well wishers and friends of the Hospital. The B. D. Petit Parsee General Hospital provides Medical services to our less fortunate brethren & community members for the last 108 years.
On this happy occasion of New Year, we would like to inform you that the Hospital continues to do yeoman charity service for the Parsee community particularly for free and highly Subsidized patients. A free patient gets totally free care – be it medicine, all diagnostic facilities.

CEO’s Desk

After serving in the Army Medical Corps for 40 years, as a Surgical Oncologist and Professor of Surgery & Oncosurgery, as well as an Administrator in Senior Ranks including my last appointment as DGMS (Director General Medical Services) of the whole army where I headed 220 Medical and Dental Units, there were no shortage of offers for my second innings. However once I was offered the post of CEO of The B.D. Petit Parsee General Hospital, I decided to take up this appointment in September 2019, with a view of addressing the numerous challenges in the Hospital and improving the services offered for the Community.

Dr.(Lt.Gen.Retd.)M.Ganguly, VSM

Chief Executive Officer

Appeal to Donors

Message from the President

Dear Patrons,
The B D Petit Parsee General Hospital continues its charity care activities to the community for the last 108 years largely on account of benevolence of you all for sending your donations year after year.

This year, however, is quite different. With COVID-19 pandemic, every hospital is under enormous strain, not only in India but also across the world. We are actually fighting an unknown enemy with no immediate solution in sight. At a time like this, our community, with a larger number of older people, is highly vulnerable, requiring continuous medical attention, not necessarily for corona infection but for general well being.

In order to meet the emergent needs, we have, at our Hospital, created a separate Isolation Ward where every new patient is first attended to, his/her swab test is done, report generated and thereafter treated with much care and love regardless of whether the patients are tested +ve or -ve. We have also created a 6 bedded ICU to look after patients who need a higher level of Medicare. Needless to say, we have treated at least 50 serious Parsee patients in this facility, with a good degree of success. We are not a Covid-designated Hospital for the general public, but with the constraints of adequate beds & ICU facilities in Mumbai, we have been allowed by the BMC to treat our Covid +ve cases. We have received many accolades in recent times from our patients and their relatives and we have placed many of these testimonials on our website which speak for the commitment of our Doctors, Nurses and the entire staff who have, in such trying times, continued to keep the Hospital’s flag flying high. To quote from one of the touching testimonials, “ when we were children, we learnt Angeles have wings, but today, we have realised there are Angeles who have stethoscope too”.

We need your support much more at this crucial time, to upgrade our Hospital with PPEs, Ventilators and other Equipment, as also to look after our Doctors, Nurses and other staff for providing their selfless service to our community members, rich or poor. Philanthropy is in Parsi DNA and we have no doubt that you will continue to patronise your very own Hospital.

With grateful thanks and best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year. Stay well and stay safe.

Facilities & Infrastructure


OPD Services




OPD Services


Lab Services


Radiology Services


24/7 Pharmacy


Physiotherapy & Wellness Clinic



Patients’ Testimonials

Success Stories

A 64 male was admitted in our hospital on 20th August 2019, with complaints of high grade fever, breathlessness and drowsiness. He is known case of Diabetes Mellitus, Ischemic Heart Disease, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Parkinson’s disease, Cerebral Vascular disease and congestive cardiac failure on regular treatment.
He was diagnosed with sepsis meningoencephalitis and treated with appropriate IV antiviral & IV antibiotics. After a few days of treatment he started responding minimally to commands but remained aphasic and generally unresponsive. Due to our intensive treatment, good nursing care, regular physiotherapy and speech therapy he has now started communicating, talking, taking meals orally, in our subsidized treatment ward.

Green Initiatives @ PGH

In line with the concerns of the global community, the PM and the new CEO of PGH, about climate change, the B.D. Petit Parsee General Hospital has taken several initiatives in the last couple of months, to become environment friendly. These  include:

  • Utilising the maximum available flat rooftop space of 3 buildings of our Hospital to put Solar Panels to generate Solar Energy. This has been done with the CSR help of Sterling & Wilson, who are global leaders in the field. So in the next couple of months this should become operational and reduce our carbon footprint, as well as electricity bills.